Wisdom Tooth Extraction

We can provide same-day wisdom tooth extractions with consultations on Mondays and Tuesdays.
We can provide same-day wisdom tooth extractions with consultations on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Those third molars at the back of your mouth are your wisdom teeth, typically arriving in your early 20s however you might get them earlier or never get them.
If your wisdom teeth grow in uncomfortably causing you pain, you need to seek the help of your dentist. What will the dentist be able to do to aid you? Wisdom tooth extraction. This procedure takes away the pain and prevents further issues from occurring. Why else is this an important procedure?

Problems Arising When Wisdom Teeth Come In


Your wisdom teeth might break only halfway through your gums, creating a flap of gum tissue growth over your teeth. This flap is an open door for germs to get stuck in. The results are red, painful, and swollen gums. An infection may develop as a result.


You might get an infection, damaged bone and teeth, or a cyst if your wisdom teeth do not come through your gums at all


Wisdom teeth can grow in at odd angles with your top tooth looking backward, facing forward or sideways


Your mouth could be too tiny for your wisdom teeth making it difficult for them to come through your gums
Local freezing might be used during the extraction of your wisdom teeth. A sedation option is suggested if all your wisdom teeth are coming out at once. While under sedation you will not feel anything associated with the extraction of your teeth. 

Your Stoney Trail dentist will be extremely cautious when performing extractions to avoid damage to your surrounding bone or teeth. Once your tooth is removed, gauze will be placed over the area that has been worked on to prevent bleeding. 
Sedation Options

Additional Recovery Aids

  • Gently bite down on the gauze every once in a while and change it when it becomes soaked through with blood
  • Don’t touch or rub the zone
  • Avoid using a straw since the suction can loosen the blood clotting and slow down the healing process
  • Only eat soft foods for the first little while
  • Use pillows to prop your head up
  • Put an ice pack on the outside of your cheek for 15-20 minutes during the first 24 hours
  • Avoid exercising and other strenuous activity
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water after 24 hours and do this several times during the day
  • Use moist heat for the 2-3 days that follow


Our office is in-network with all major insurance providers. Please bring your insurance card to each appointment so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible. If you do not find your insurance provider here;  please call at 825-798-0564 for clarity.






After Surgery Care

Stay away from brushing your teeth for a full day then when you do brush, brush gently around the extractions. Avoid driving, drinking alcohol, and operating machinery for the first 24 hours to make sure you are on the mend.

Do you notice your gums still bleeding after 24 hours? Come to the dental office for help as this is an irregular occurrence.
Call Us: 403-248-2948Aftercare Instructions
Wisdom teeth should typically be taken out during your late teenage years or early 20s. Why? The removal process will be simpler and recovery easier when you are younger.

 Most problems with your wisdom teeth are bound to occur between 15-25 years old, but your wisdom teeth can be unpredictable and not appear until later in life. Wisdom tooth extraction is provided to you for ultimate comfort and to help you steer away from any painful and bothersome wisdom tooth issues.
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