General Dentistry and Preventative Care Services
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Mouth Guards
Mouth guards help you when you play sports, grind your teeth or need dental protection. These dental devices are designed to fit over your gum and teeth’s surface, typically over your top teeth but we provide them for bottom teeth as well.
Our mouth guards are a rubber like cover cushioning your teeth and gums from damage and securing them in place.
Three Types of Mouth Guards
1. Custom-Made:
This is what we consider the choice mouth guard as it provides the best comfort durability and protection. We take an exact fitting from your cast model of teeth impressions by using a vacuum or pressure formed thermoplastic material.
*You can purchase over the counter mouth guards but these are nowhere near as comfortable, fitted or protective however, if you chose this route the following options are available:
*You can purchase over the counter mouth guards but these are nowhere near as comfortable, fitted or protective however, if you chose this route the following options are available:
2. Boil-and-Bite:
Coming in three different sizes of small, medium and large while sized by age, the boil-and-bite mouth guards are a thermoplastic material warmed up in very hot water. You bite into it to create the impression, and it takes on the shape of your teeth and mouth. You can soften them with a little warm water. These guards are typically bulkier than a custom-made mouth guard.
3. Ready-Made:
The material of a Ready-Made mouth guard is rubber or polyvinyl and held in place when clenching your teeth together. They are bulky and loose while offering the least amount of protection.