Additional Care Dentistry

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Additional Care Dentistry

In addition to general/preventative, cosmetic and restorative dental care, we also offer additional services including laser dentistry, sleep apnea and snore guards, TMJ treatment and Space Maintainers.
Call us so we can take care of you!

Laser Dentistry

Our laser dental services provide you with precise and effective solutions for problems such as an uneven gum line.

Laser is a less invasive dental method used for your comfort.
Laser Dentistry Services

Sleep Apnea and Snore Guards

Our snore guards and tongue retainers help with sleep apnea problems and snoring. It is possible to open those blocked airways by coming for sleep apnea and snore guard treatment at Stoney Trail Dental.
Learn More

TMJ Treatment

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, better known as TMJ, is a disorder where you have painful joints on either sides of your jaw. We treat TMJ so that you can live life void of this type of pain. 

If left untreated, TMJ can cause further suffering so it is vital you get treated right away. Contact us for all the treatment options we offer.
TMJ Treatment Options

Space Maintainers

Your teeth need to be cared for from the very start to ensure they grow in properly. Space Maintainers allow us to reserve particular spots in your child’s mouth for fully formed teeth to grow in straight.

Without a space maintainer in place, your child’s teeth can erupt in forbidden zones that can result in crooked teeth. Straight teeth are important for adults as well. If you have lost teeth we can use this device to keep this space open to put in replacement teeth.
Space Maintainers Services
Come down to Stoney Trail Dental where we can help you eliminate dental issues and ensure your teeth are straight for years to come. Tell us your concerns and your dentist will give you the proper treatment for a positive outlook.
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