Do you have an upcoming dental appointment? Are you feeling nervous or anxious about it? If so, you’re in good company. Many people feel apprehension or discomfort at the thought of any oral operation. This hesitation can frequently result in delaying seeking the much-needed procedure. As a result, the issue typically worsens. Luckily, at Stoney Trail Dental, our expert dentists in SE Calgary can numb your suspicions with dental sedation.
Oral sedation dentistry (otherwise known as anesthesia or dental sedation) is a dental procedure that administers sedative anesthetics orally. It is used to alleviate anxiety safely for the facilitation of a dental operation. At Stoney Trail Dental, we care about your comfort. For this reason, our office offers numerous dental sedation options to put you at ease during your visit.
Our selections ensure you’ll have the best sedation based on your needs. The various dental sedation choices include:
While oral sedation is safe, like most operations, side effects may occur. These can include headaches, dehydration, or even queasiness/vomiting. It is necessary to select a dental specialist with expertise in employing first-rate oral sedation processes. Our team is licensed, trained, and qualified to provide tailored oral sedation services.
We use up-to-the-minute dental equipment offered on-site. Moreover, Stoney Trail Dental delivers a safe and comfortable environment where you can feel at ease during the oral procedure.
At Stoney Trail Dental, you can feel eager about your next dental visit. Our various oral sedation options make it easy for you to relax and feel safe. So contact our dental clinic today to book your appointment!
Medically reviewed by Dr. Gurshant Grewal - a registered dentist. on November 22, 2022