Dental Health Blog

Why You Should Visit Your Dentist before Vacation

It’s time for a vacation! You have packed your bags, remembered your sunscreen, beach clothing, cute hats, designer sunglasses, and everything else you need but something is missing. What is it? A dentist's appointment!

Remember to go see your dentist before heading off on vacation. Why?

Keep Costs Down

If you have a dental emergency while on vacation, not only does it ruin your adventure but it can cost you tons of dollars. Depending on where you travel, dental services can be a lot more money than where you are from, leaving you with a little coin to spend during the rest of your trip.

Steer clear of running into this issue by getting your dentist to look at your teeth before you leave. You will know if anything is requiring immediate attention before you step on the plane. Try going to your dentist a few months in advance of your trip so if anything is discovered that will take a lengthy amount of time to remedy, you will have time to get treated before you head out.

Safety First

Dental emergencies can occur at any point. If you head to a foreign country, make sure you are aware of the dental procedures and laws as they will likely be different than what you are used to. You could be at risk of getting a disease due to tools that are not sanitized to the standards of your home country. Instead of worrying about getting a disease from going to a dentist in a foreign region, take time to get a dental check-up at home. Your dentist can give you a clean oral bill of health before heading on your trip.

Your peace of mind and clean mouth will help you relax on your fun journey.

Avoid Overexposure to the Sun

Vacations usually entail lots of sunlight which is a great source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D keeps your bones and teeth strong but what happens when you get too much sun? The strong rays from the sunlight can cause cancer including cancer in the mouth due to overexposure. Make sure you are getting in enough sunlight to make you happy but avoid feeling nauseous and sunburnt from overexposure.

Use sunscreen on your nose and even try a lip balm with UV protection to stop the sun from ruining your health. Tell your dentist that you are about to take a trip and ask for his/her advice for the best ways to keep a healthy mouth. You will be glad you did.

Now that you know the ideal ways to keep a healthy mouth and happy head while on vacation, you are ready to take a flight to a great escape!


Medically reviewed by Dr. Gurshant Grewal - a Registered Dentist on November 1, 2019

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