Dental Implants

Starting at $2999

Dental Implants

Dental advancements have come a long way and one of the best options for tooth replacement is the use of dental implants. Dental implants are a secure way to replace missing and damaged teeth. A titanium root is surgically implanted into your jaw bone to form the anchor for a new artificial tooth. This procedure is time-consuming but the results are worth the wait. Implants will provide you with the functionality of natural teeth and give you an aesthetically pleasing smile. 

It is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your dentists. If you have any questions or concerns, please ensure your contact us at 403-248-2948 
At Stoney Trail Dental, your oral health is checked each step of the way, ensuring you are getting the right treatment for your individually shaped gums and teeth.

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for Dental Implants ?

Many adults suffer from a loss of teeth and previously the only option was dentures and bridges. Dental implants are an ideal long-term solution to missing teeth. 

Implants are secure and long-lasting plus eliminate some of the negative issues associated with dentures and bridges. You may be a good candidate for dental implants if you are healthy, have enough bone in your jaw and generally have solid oral health. Speak to one of our professionals at Stoney Trail Dental for a full assessment to determine if you can begin your journey with dental implants.

The titanium used in dental implants is resistant to decay, therefore your dental implants will last much longer than your natural teeth if looked after properly.
Call Us Today! 403-248-2948

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • feel like natural teeth
  • Can halt further bone loss in your jaw
  • Give you a natural-looking smile
  • An excellent alternative to dentures
  • perfect for anchoring a bridge
Have Questions? Contact us!

Stoney Trail Dental 
at Your Convenience

Stoney Trail Dental offers consultations to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. When you are looking for a Calgary dentist, you can trust our professionals to give you an honest opinion and a variety of options to keep your oral health in top shape. 

We are ready to make your smile stand out.
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