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Learn More About Root Canal Therapy Services In Calgary

Did you know that root canal therapy is aimed at saving the natural tooth? When infection inside the tooth is prevalent, it can be extremely painful and eventually spread to other areas of the body if left untreated. A root canal can save the tooth, avoiding extensive dental work, such as tooth extraction and replacement.

If you’re looking for root canal therapy in Calgary, here is some good information to know ahead of your appointment.

Root canal therapy relieves pain

A “root canal” refers to the hallow section of a tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and the pulp which nourishes the tooth. The technical term of the treatment is known as endodontic therapy which translates to “inside the tooth”. The term root canal is more commonly known with patients. When there is an infection inside the root canal, it can cause severe pain.

Root canal therapy is actually generally painless. However, there is a lot of fear about this procedure because of the misconception that it’s extremely painful. The infection is what causes pain within the tooth - the procedure is what helps relieve the pain by taking the infection out.

Patients are given anesthesia to numb the area and most report feeling minimal discomfort. Some temporary tenderness is normal after the treatment, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relief or if needed, a prescribed drug from your dentist.

How root canal therapy is performed

Root canal therapy is quite a common procedure that most, if not all, dentists are adept at completing. The process is typically done in 3 steps:

  1. Cleaning - After administering local anesthesia, your dentist will make a tiny hole on the tooth surface to remove the dead pulp tissue and decontaminate the area using a small irrigation solution.
  2. Filling - Once the hallow area of the tooth is cleaned, it is then filled with a rubber-like material and then sealed with adhesive cement.
  3. Crown - A tooth with no pulp will be more fragile than before and will then become more brittle over time. A crown may be needed to offer protection.

Root canal therapy is often done in one appointment but additional appointments are necessary for large infections or multiple canals. After the procedure, you’ll be monitored briefly and your dentist may prescribe an antibiotic.

Signs you may need root canal therapy

Pain is typically the first sign that root canal therapy is needed. Additional symptoms may follow, including:

  • Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold that lingers longer than it should
  • Swollen or tender gums
  • Small pimples on the gums surrounding the tooth
  • Deep tooth decay or darkened gums

If the infection is left untreated, it can spread into the bone and break it down. Eventually, tooth loss will occur. A missing tooth can cause the surrounding teeth to shift and lead to other dental issues. Although a tooth extraction and replacement is an option, nothing functions as well as a natural tooth. We want to catch the infection early on and preserve your natural smile as much as possible.


Medically reviewed by Dr. Gurshant Grewal - a Registered Dentist on November 25, 2021

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